Mercurion Animation Videos
Click Images to see the Mercurion Animations
at different download speeds & formats.
You'll need the RealAudio Player to view the first two. It's worth the effort to get this little utility. |
320 x 240 RealVideo (570 KB) Faster Download. Lower quality. |
160 x 120 RealVideo (568 KB) Faster Download. Lower quality. |
160 x 120 AVI (4,367 KB) Slower Download. Better quality. |
Ken Krawchuk Videos Streaming and Downloadable |
If the .avi files don't play, you may need to download the Indeo 5.0 .avi driver.
However, the Indeo software is more than worth the effort.
If the .mpg files don't play, you may need to Upgrade your Media Player.
You can also right-click on the links, then click "Save Tareget As..." (Explorer)
or "Save Link As..." (Netscape) to simply download the .avi or .mpg files.
Unless you have broadband capability, or are willing to wait for the download, streaming video is the better choice in most cases. However, we would like to know which one you prefer.
Be sure to include modem speed & processor. Thanks.
Please e-mail us to let us know.
Contact Information:
E-mail: info at